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Report of loss of residence and/or identity documents or withdrawal of a loss report


Here you can report the loss or withdraw a loss report of residence documents (eAT, Duldung or Gestattung), ID cards (EU citizens only), travel documents and foreign passports to the Foreigners Office.

You can file the report for your own identification documents and for those of your minor children.

If you need a new document from us, you will be given an appointment to order it after we have processed your loss report.

You can find more information at Hinweise zum Verlust von Aufenthaltsdokumenten, Ausweisen und Pässen.

Data Protection Declaration

We need personal data from you to process your details. We will only collect the data that is really necessary. We adhere to data protection laws and applicable regulations.
You’ll find further information in the Data Protection Declaration for the City of Munich online form you have selected. Please also see the Notes on Data Protection on the City of Munich’s legal notice (Impressum) page.

Have you already filled out and saved this form?

You can continue the following form with previously saved information. To do this, click Select file to upload and select the .html file containing the relevant form data that you previously saved to your computer.

Then click Start.

Start Procedure

Click Start to complete the form online step by step.

You will receive a completed document as a PDF document for your records.

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